Art Thief's explanation to the police of why his get away vehicle ran out of petrol.…
Beer helps ugly people get laid, fat boys dance, boring people become interesting.…
Children need love, especially when they don't deserve it.…
I cook with wine sometimes I even add it to the food!…
Couples planning a family beware the sex position that leads to ugly babies!…
Golf: Man blames fate for all other accidents but feels personally responsible if he hits a HOLE IN ONE…
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.…
I drink wine when I'm happy or sad, alone or with company.....…
I haven't met Mr Right yet but I have met Mr Stupid, Mr Clever Dick, Mr Boring and Mr Cheapskate.…
I like my men like I like my curtains, easy to pull and well hung.…
If at first you don't succeed your about average around here!…
It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.…
Loyalty, Teamwork, Leadership, Pride, Effort. We don't have any of that bullshit around here!…
I like to have a Martini, two at the very most, three I'm under the table, four I'm under my host!…
Rules of the night out. Drink triple, see double and act single.…
This business is run on SEAGULL MANAGEMENT. The Boss flies in, squawks, shits on everybody, then flies out again.…
If this department is so overworked, why does everyone blush when they bring round the wages?…
When I get old I'm going to get my own back on my kids. Even If I'm Not incontinent I'll pretend I am.…