Diamond-hard and sharp as ice, dripping from the wings of love is the cold and frozen heart of one to be atoned.…
Fear from the darkness - the thundering phantom of an armoured cataphract unicorn.…
The place of the skull, and the site of the crucifixion.…
Ostentatious, 1920's Manhattan-skyline Deco pazazz! A giant brass sunburst mounted on crystal-studded, pewter machine-age frame and central 'Fritz Langian' bat.…
An modelled, cut-out pewter pendant of a skeletal world tree…
'Cortoyer' is the old term for a court's attendee.…
Black: black as a young raven with a black crystal-dripping black rose, suspended on a pallbearer-black ribbon. Surely, a manifestation of abject sorrow, or else…
From the malevolent depths of the dark ocean, a truly momentous and dazzling revealing of the monstrous, crystallised soul of darkness.…
This raven's skull has been engraved upon its head with the Icelandic stave symbol, 'Aegishjalmur'.…
An elegant, if minacious masterpiece from the esteemed inventor of the 1740 cut-throat razor; the 'propre radet' scroll means 'a close shave'.…
A bold and reflective allegory to the eternal-self and the dignified acceptance of ultimate fate.…