Code: A105
Alchemy Rabeschadel Wriststrap
This Alchemy bracelet is German for 'raven's skull'; the great black bird is famous for it's prophetic powers, being Odin's messengers and capable of foretelling death. A conspiracy of ravens will always be seen feeding at a well-stocked gibbet. A large, authentically detailed raven's skull, in polished pewter and set upon an adjustable, black leather strap. Alchemy bracelets are all hand cast in fine English pewter. Bracelets are mostly one size, adjustable, covering from small to large.
Where fixed sizes are indicated, these are divided into approximate categories. Small 153-191mm, med. 178-229mm, large 191-242mm. When supplemented with Adj. a bangle has some degree of adjustment, by gently squeezing open or closed to fit.